What is EFISC-GTP?
EFISC-GTP is a European private standard for the production and trade of safe feed and food ingredients. The standard focuses on the management of feed and food safety as well as quality management.
The EFISC-GTP standard ensures that ingredients and crops for feed and food are received, handled, produced, stored, transported and traded in accordance with the strict EU legislation in this area, with focus on safe feed and food throughout the chain.
EFISC-GTP also covers the production of and trade with ingredients for the feed industry, which originates from respectively biodiesel and starch production as well as production of vegetable oils and protein cakes.
Why become EFISC-GTP certified?
EFISC-GTP provides guidance to traders, transporters, storage keepers, collectors and manufacturers on how to establish and implement their own feed/food safety systems in accordance with relevant EU and National legislation. The standard includes requirements for the quality management system regarding basic programs, operational basic programs and risk control (HACCP), documentation, withdrawal and traceability. With an EFISC-GTP certification the company has its quality management system reviewed and receives a qualified assessment of the company’s quality management system for securing feed and food. The risk of complaints and withdrawal of products is also reviewed. An effective quality management system helps to reduce the risk of error productions, and thus the risk of delivering unsafe feed and food products.
General requirements in an EFISC-GTP certification
The EFISC-GTP standard applies the same principles as the international food industry, including quality assurance based on Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Points (HACCP), and rules for registrations, cleaning, education, training, etc. -in the food industry called GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice).
An important part of the standard is traceability, which ensures that all errors in the chain can be traced quickly and accurately, so that all affected products can be recalled before they pose a possible risk to feed or food safety. The EFISC-GTP standard is harmonized so that it can be used in line with GMP+, FAMIQS and QS standards.
Become EFISC-GTP certified
We are prepared to answer your questions and to calculate an offer that fits your company. Please do not hesitate to contact us by tel. +45 39 39 10 35 or by e-mail feed@balticcontrol.com
Link to EFISC-GTP website: click here