In 2024 Baltic Control® Group supports the following charity organisations:
Our donation support UNICEF in their effort for helping children in need all over the world.
Médecins Sans Frontiéres
We support Médecins Sans Frontiéres which provide worldwide urgent medical assistance to people affected by conflicts, epidemics and disasters.
SOS Children’s Villages
We support SOS Children’s Villages because they build new families for children in need, helping them shape their own future and share the development of their communities.
Red Cross
We support Red Cross because Red Cross are always present and prepared to help when crises arise.
Danmarks Indsamling 2025 focus on helping children who grow up in extreme poverty. Children who have lost their parents and are left to fend for themselves. Children who never go to school. Children who are subjected to violence and sexual abuse in refugee camps. Children who succumb to disease and hunger. In the stream of news, their stories disappear, but their distress is real, constant, and brutal.
The 12 organizations behind Danmarks Indsamling 2025 focus on children in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Kenya, Niger, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Yemen. Here, they intervene with targeted humanitarian efforts. They provide medical care and medicine, ensure access to food and clean drinking water, offer care and protection, create educational opportunities, and help families cultivate the land in new, sustainable ways.
Behind Danmarks Indsamling are 12 of the country’s largest humanitarian aid organizations. They manage sustainable emergency relief projects that contribute to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
Since 2007, over 1.6 billion DKK has been donated and collected through the annual Danmarks Indsamling.
Knæk Cancer
We support the work of science for breaking the code of cancer.
Due to the terrible war in Ukraine Baltic Control® Group decided in spring 2022 to donate an extraordinary amount to Red Cross and UNICEF to support their humanitarian work in Ukraine: